Introducing the rempsyc package: convenience functions to make your workflow faster and easier than ever
And now also the lavaanExtra package for structural equation modeling
And now also the easystats ecosystem for easy statistics
How to make nice, perfectly formatted APA tables for Microsoft Word in a blink.
How to make nice-looking violin plots in R.
How to make nice-looking scatter plots in R.
How to overlap interpolated circles based on the Inclusion of the Other in the Self (IOS) scale for measuring self-other merging.
How to randomize participants to groups or conditions easily in R! + Bonus: how to make a runsheet with your randomization conditions!
How to quickly test linear regression assumptions (through visual assessment of diagnostic plots or objective tests).
How to easily make a bunch of moderations with simple slopes in a preformatted table.
How to easily make a bunch of planned contrasts (pairwise comparisons) in a preformatted table.
How to easily make a bunch of t-tests with effect sizes in a preformatted table.
Alternative, vector-based syntax to lavaan, and other convenience functions.
Convenience functions for psychology: APA plots, APA tables, statistical tests, and more.
An R Framework for easy statistical modeling, visualization, and reporting
Bridges the gap between R’s output and the formatted results contained in your manuscript.
Allows for the computation of many different kinds of correlations.
Provides utilities to work with indices of effect size and standardized parameters.
Provides utilities for computing indices of model quality and goodness of fit.
Helps with model-based estimations, to easily compute of marginal means, contrast analysis and model predictions.