Check your outliers! An introduction to identifying statistical outliers in R with easystats

Beyond the challenge of keeping up to date with current best practices regarding the diagnosis and treatment of outliers, an additional difficulty arises concerning the mathematical implementation of the recommended methods. Here, we provide an …

Unmet Expectations: Social Inclusion and the Interaction Between Social Anxiety and Ambiguous or Positive Feedback

**Introduction:** This study explores the impact of preferential inclusion on fulfilling basic needs following ambiguous or positive social feedback, considering the moderating effect of social anxiety. **Methods:** Participants (*N* = 438) received …

Implicitly activating mindfulness: Does trait self‑control moderate its effect on aggressive behaviour?

**Objectives**. Previous research shows that a novel experimental paradigm consisting of implicitly activating (“priming”) concepts associated with mindfulness through a scrambled sentence task yields positive social effects on cognition and affect. …

lavaanExtra: Convenience functions for package lavaan

Affords an alternative, vector-based syntax to lavaan, as well as other convenience functions such as naming paths and defining indirect links automatically. Also offers convenience formatting optimized for a publication and script sharing workflow.

rempsyc: Convenience functions for psychology

R package of convenience functions to make your workflow faster and easier. Easily customizable plots (via *ggplot2*), nice APA tables exportable to Word (via *flextable*), easily run statistical tests or check assumptions, and automatize various …

Phi, Fei, Fo, Fum: Effect sizes for categorical data that use the chi-squared statistic

In both theoretical and applied research, it is often of interest to assess the strength of an observed association. Existing guidelines also frequently recommend going beyond null-hypothesis significance testing and to report effect sizes and their …

Pratiques cliniques inspirées par la recherche en psychologie positive / Clinical practices inspired by research in positive psychology

Introduction. Research in positive psychology suggests that certain psychotherapy practices yield substantial clinical benefits, but it is not always clear to clinicians which practices to prioritize or how to integrate them into psychotherapy. Goal. …

The Rubber Hand Illusion: Top-down attention modulates embodiment

The Rubber Hand Illusion (RHI) creates distortions of body ownership through multimodal integration of somatosensory and visual inputs. This illusion largely rests on bottom-up (automatic multisensory and perceptual integration) mechanisms. However, …

Body swapping with a Black person boosts empathy: Using virtual reality to embody another

Perspective-taking, whether through imagination or virtual-reality interventions, seems to improve intergroup relations; however, what intervention leads to better outcomes remains unclear. This pre-registered study collected measures of empathy and …

Self-concept clarity and the bodily self: Malleability across modalities

The self has fascinated scholars for centuries. Although theory suggests that the self-concept (cognitive self-understanding) and bodily self (pre-reflective awareness of one’s body) are related, little work has examined this notion. To this end, in …